ECHO OF DISTANT WATER: THE 1958 DISAPPEARANCE OF PORTLAND’S MARTIN FAMILY–one of the most perplexing missing persons’ cases ever…
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Uncovering Oregon's Forgotten History
ECHO OF DISTANT WATER: THE 1958 DISAPPEARANCE OF PORTLAND’S MARTIN FAMILY–one of the most perplexing missing persons’ cases ever…
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Come on down to Third Street Books in beautiful McMinnville located in the heart of Willamette Valley wine country on Thursday September 26th from 6:30-7:30pm to hear me read from the book. For more information, click here
Click the link to watch the interview with AM Northwest host Helen Raptis!
Come hear me read from the book at Annie Bloom’s Books in Multnomah Village (SW Portland) at 7-8 pm. More details here:
Echo of Distant Water is now out in paperback! Buy it wherever you purchase books–or email me on the contact page to buy direct!
Kindle edition of Echo of Distant Water now available!
Echo of Distant Water tells the true and largely forgotten story of Ken Martin, his wife Barbara, and their three young daughters—who vanished while hunting Christmas greens in the Columbia River Gorge on December 7, 1958. Despite one of the largest missing persons searches in Oregon history, the case remains perplexingly unsolved to this day. After discovering a stack of old newspaper articles about the case in his McMinnville garage, Fisher obtained a wealth of first-hand and never-before publicized information including an intriguing trail left in the personal notebooks and papers of Multnomah County criminal detective Walter E. Graven. These provide fascinating insight into the question of what happened to the Martins—a path leading to abduction and murder, an intimate family secret, and civic corruption.
Echo of Distant Water–coming August 2019!
What do we mean by forgotten history? Think of it this way. Regular history is a trail through the forest. There are well-trodden paths, clear markings, maps to tell you where to go. But what happens when you step off the path? Fallen branches and tangles of undergrowth at every turn. It’s rough going, but let me tell you–there’s a lot to discover when you get off the trail.
Here are some of my past blog posts from JD Chandler’s Slabtown Chronicles blog to give you a feel for what forgotten history is all about: